

DECEMber 2024

In this issue

• Palma Christmas Concert
• Letter from the President
• Letter from the Principal

• House Happenings
• Finals Schedule
• Campus Ministry
• Athletics
• Crab Feed 2025
• Guidance Department
• Parents’ Club
• See’s Candies Fundraiser


Ads - Giving Tuesday 1

Calendar Highlights

Monday, Dec 2
5:30pm - Athletic Council Meeting in CSC

Tuesday, Dec 3
Giving Tuesday

Wednesday, Dec 4-Friday, Dec 6
Mickey Linehan Memorial Basketball Tournament

Wednesday, Dec 4
6:00pm - So. Cal. College Trip Meeting via Zoom

Saturday, Dec 7
9:00am - Admissions Exam (entering Gr 7-9) in BDH

Monday, Dec 9
TBA - Masses in Blessed Edmund Rice Chapel

Tuesday, Dec 10
5:00pm - College FAFSA Presentation in BDH

Wednesday, Dec 11
7:00pm - Christmas Concert in BDH

Thursday, Dec 12
7:00am - Mass La Virgen de Guadalupe in B.E.R. Chapel

Thursday, Dec 12-Saturday, Dec 14
Lucille & Luis Scattini Basketball Tournament

Friday, Dec 13
Advent Reconciliation Service in B.E.R. Chapel during Theology classes

Wednesday, Dec 18-Friday, Dec 20
FINALS - Special Schedule

Monday, Dec 23-Tuesday, Jan 7
NO CLASSES - Christmas Break

Wednesday, Dec 25
SCHOOL CLOSED - Merry Christmas

Wednesday, Jan 1
SCHOOL CLOSED - Happy New Year!

Wednesday, Jan 8
Classes resume

This newsletter is emailed to currently enrolled families on the first of each month and also posted on the Palma School website under Quicklinks. If you know a friend of Palma who would like to receive this newsletter each month via email, please contact

Christmas Concert Flyer-1


Chris Dalman-1

As we enter the last month of 2024, I can’t help but feel so grateful looking back on all the experiences and milestones we’ve shared this year. It’s incredible how fast the months have flown by, each bringing its own ups and downs. This year has been quite the ride, and I want to take a moment to celebrate everything we’ve accomplished together as a community. Our young women and men on campus have really shined—whether in their studies, sports, or creative projects—it’s been amazing to see their hard work and determination shine through. And let's not forget our dedicated teachers and staff working hard to create this Palma Family. I am blessed to work in this incredible environment every day.

With the holiday season here, I hope everyone finds time to connect with family and feel grateful for each other. Let’s celebrate not just the big wins, but also the small moments that often go unnoticed. Sharing stories, showing appreciation for our loved ones, not taking this moment in time for granted. These days with our family do not last forever.

Looking ahead to 2025, there are plenty of exciting projects and challenges to come. Our campus will be alive with projects as our enrollment grows above and beyond its capacity. I’d recommend you could ask your favorite Palma student what their goals and challenges are for this coming semester. Challenge them to push past their perceived limitations and what more they could squeeze from their potential and time left at Palma. I promise they won’t second guess their decision if they asked themselves “what if” for their next endeavor.

I wish all of you in the Palma family a Merry Christmas and an incredible New Year.

Sig - Dalman

Mr. Chris Dalman ’88

LETTER from the Principal

24 Sullivan David

December! It’s almost time to celebrate Jesus as the reason for the season. The Church reminds us the season of Christmas begins at sundown on December 25, continuing long past the sales, and street Santas, and parades. It continues into January, even! The Church urges us to prepare for Christ’s coming with a countercultural practice — we do Advent!

Advent is the season during which we quiet our busy lives; we pray with more intensity; we give to those who need; we hope for Christ’s coming with an expectant fervor that prepares us to receive him. But we live in a culture that puts TVs in every room and car; we stream from devices that fit in our pockets; “noise” dominates every moment we are alone, and sometimes even when we are not. How can we prepare for his coming into our hearts, into our world (now and at the end of time), amid so much noise? Let us take time this Advent to pray with our families and our loved ones, and to put some perspective on the commercial frenzy that secularizes the holiness of this time. Let us take time to enter into communion with one another — at the Mass, in our giving and sharing, in the time we spend truly being present to one another.

Advent, from the Latin adventus, means “coming.” This is a time of expectant waiting. It is represented by a blue-purplish color that represents the night sky before the dawn of the rising sun, a symbol for the birth of the Son, who is the light that extinguishes the darkness, as the first chapter of John proclaims. Each Advent Sunday we light candles in a wreath of evergreen, rich with symbols to remind ourselves of this most important truth.

One need not be Catholic, or even Christian, in order to recommit oneself to this terrific recipe for joy and happiness. We welcome and cherish our students of all backgrounds, blessed abundantly with varied customs and beliefs. And we challenge them to give of themselves, especially at this time of year. Jesus wouldn’t have it any other way. Merry Christmas, Palma! Go Chieftains!

Yours in Blessed Edmund Rice,

Sig David Sullivan-1

Mr. David Sullivan

House Happenings

24 Harris Holly



Holly Harris
Director of Student Activities

Happy Holidays from the Palma Houses! 
Can DriveNovember was an amazing month of fun, giving, gratefulness and mustaches as we celebrated the tradition of No Shave November here at Palma. We finished the campaign with a “homemade mustache” day when students could wear either a natural mustache, a drawn on mustache or a stuck on mustache for the day and wear free dress — something our students love! Our students held a sock drive in which the junior high students really came through with over 250 pairs of socks donated from just them! Together, Palma was able to donate 600 pairs of socks to a local charity who works with the unhoused community in our area. The Palma Interact Club held our annual canned food drive called Cans for Credit. Students donated canned goods in exchange for extra credit in class. Palma students donated a record number of barrels to the Monterey County Food Bank before the Thanksgiving holiday.

GT Logo 24This month will be filled with more holiday spirit as we kick off December with Giving Tuesday! Students can donate a minimum of $5 to wear free dress on Tuesday, December 3rd. The following week, our houses will compete in our first ever “Holiday House Party Week.” They have planned dress up days, a gingerbread house challenge, a movie/bingo night, holiday relay races and more. Finally, our House Leaders were selected to adopt a local child for Christmas and they are working hard at putting together a pretty amazing Christmas for their adopted child plus their family. We are so proud of the hard work our House Leaders are doing here at Palma to create an amazing experience for our students and beyond.

We wish your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

LETTER from the VICE Principal

24 Viarengo Rob






Dear Students and Families,

The schedule for finals is as follows:

Finals Chart
Finals Chart 2

Students unable to take finals during exam week will make them up during the first two days of the second semester when classes resume (Wednesday, January 8 and Thursday, January 9).

Note for Students in Grade 6: Grade 6 students will also have minimum days: 8:30am-12:20pm, Wednesday-Friday, December 18-20. 

The CSC will be open December 18-20 from 7:30am-1:00pm, and a la carte food items will be available for purchase.

Those with questions about the exam schedule are invited to contact me at For a more comprehensive scope of exams, please refer to my November 12 email.


Sig - Rob V

Mr. Rob Viarengo ’86
Vice Principal


24 Beesley Willie



Willie Beesley ’86
Director of Campus Ministry

Start Your Day in Prayer
Come join us on school day mornings at 7:30am in the Blessed Edmund Rice Chapel for Mass/prayer and community. All are welcome.

The Advent season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time, and to the anniversary of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas. From the earliest days of the Church, people have been fascinated by Jesus’ promise to come back. But the scripture readings during Advent tell us not to waste our time with predictions. Advent is not about speculation. Our Advent readings call us to be alert and ready, not weighted down and distracted by the cares of this world (Lk 21:34-36). Like Lent, the liturgical color for Advent is purple since both are seasons that prepare us for great feast days. Advent also includes an element of penance in the sense of preparing, quieting, and disciplining our hearts for the full joy of Christmas. The final days of Advent, from December 17 to December 24, we focus on our preparation for the celebrations of the Nativity of our Lord at Christmas. In particular, the “O” Antiphons are sung during this period and have been by the Church since at least the eighth century. They are a magnificent theology that uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Old Testament to proclaim the coming of Christ as the fulfillment not only of Old Testament hopes, but of present ones as well. Advent devotions including the Advent wreath, remind us of the meaning of the season. I hope you and your family experience the joy of Christmas.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Reconciliation will be offered to students and staff in the Blessed Edmund Rice Chapel during the entire school day on Friday, December 13th.

Appeal for Beans and Rice
“When I was hungry you fed me.” Palma participates in Casa de Cultura in Pajaro in northern Monterey County, donating and serving those who are not as fortunate. This year, Sister Rosa has asked if Palma can contribute 400 bags of beans and 400 bags of rice. Ideally in 20-pound bags. We will be collecting beans and rice before school from December 9th to December 13th.

Prayers and Props
The Campus Ministry page on our website has short forms for Prayers and Props that allow you to share a Chieftain accomplishment that happened outside of school or submit a prayer request. Visit our web page (or use the button below) to share your props or to request prayers to be offered up during Palma’s Masses and Chapel Time. 

Palma's Community Service Opportunities
Knowledge SERVICE Leadership
• On Wednesdays Palma students are invited to tutor students in elementary school at Sanchez Elementary. The van leaves after school from the chapel and returns by 4:30pm. Download the permission slip. (Looking for parent driver)
• On Thursdays Palma students are invited to visit with residents at Madonna Gardens.The van leaves after school from the chapel and returns by 4:15pm. Download the permission slip. (Looking for parent driver)

Community Service Hours
All high schoolers must have 60 hours of approved community service before they graduate. Below (and on the campus ministry page), are several sites and opportunities. The hours must be service-oriented in relationship with people. Hours should be logged using their gopalma email on X2VOL. Students may see Mr. Beesley or Brother Mac for more information. Log in at


Jacob’s Heart - Deliver groceries, decorate cards and grocery bags, assist staff with office tasks, etc. — CLICK HERE

All in Monterey County - Food drives every Wednesday. ALL-IN Drive Through Market at Seaside High School at 4:30pm until supplies run out. Volunteers help gift bounties of food to our guests as they drive through. — CLICK HERE

Blue Zones Project - Live longer, better. Encouraging changes in our community that lead to healthier options. — CLICK HERE

Save Our Shore - Foster thriving and sustainable ecosystems in the Monterey Bay and surrounding habitats through equitable environmental action. — CLICK HERE

Dorothy’s Place - Essential services and transitional support to people experiencing the injustice of homelessness and extreme poverty. — CLICK HERE

Seaside Parks - The city of Seaside schedules volunteer maintenance on selected parks throughout the year from 10am to 12pm. Bring your gloves, water and snacks. For schedules and their volunteer form — CLICK HERE

Visit the STUDENT OUTREACH page on our website for more volunteer opportunities. Do you know about an upcoming service opportunity? Contact Mr. Beesley at


24 Bishop Rob



Rob Bishop
Athletic Director

A Big THANK YOU to Our Volunteers
Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered at our athletic contests so far this year. You are making a huge difference and we cannot do it without you.

Congratulations to These Fall Student-Athletes
Cross Country
1st Team All League: Wells LIlly ’25, Izabella Tejeda ’25, Kathryn Dill ’28
2nd Team All League: Emanuel Delfino ’26, Cuauhtemoc “Temito” Leon-Ramirez ’27, Henry Uhl ’26
Cross Country Accolades:
Wells Lilly ’25 — Santa Lucia Champion
Izabella Tejeda ’25 — Second Place, Cypress Division
Girls CCS Scholastic Team Award
CCS Qualifiers:
Emmanuel Delfino ’26, Kathryn Dill ’28, Wells Lilly ’25, Izabella Tejeda ’25
Flag Football
1st Team All League: Allison Guerra ’25, Adalyn Jefferson ’28 (Offense); Kylee Parker ’25 & Elsie Sargenti ’26 (Defense)
2nd Team All League:Natalia Aguon ’28 (Offense); Carolina Lorca ’28 (Defense)
Sportsmanship Team: Emma Munoz ’28
Flag Football Accolades:
Allison Guerra ’25 — Offensive Player of the Year
Girls Tennis
1st Team All League: Ellie Fuqua ’25 (Singles), Maya Martinez ’26 & Colette Paden ’28 (Doubles)
2nd Team All League: Laine Campion ’25 (Singles)
Girls Tennis Accolades:
CCS Scholastic Team Award
Girls Volleyball
1st Team All League: Maya Giannini ’25, Frankie Rossi ’25
2nd Team All League: Reese Amaral ’28, Rachelle Andrade ’26
Sportsmanship Team: Rachelle Andrade ’26
Girls Volleyball Accolades:
Frankie Rossi ’25 — Defensive Player of the Year
Maya Giannini ’25 — League MVP
Water Polo
1st Team All League: Henry Vetter ’26
Sportsmanship Team: Liam Hamilton ’25
Water Polo Accolades:
Henry Vetter ’26 — USA Water Polo Academic All American Team

Let Everyone Know Who You Are
Put your company name or family message on the scoreboards and on the Palma athletics website. Your message could appear on the Holaday Seed Scoreboard in the gym and on the 17-foot outdoor scoreboard during contests on our track, field and baseball stadium. Plus, it will be displayed on the new website. Contact Mr. Bishop at for more details.

Tournament Art

It’s Tournament Time
We kick off the winter sports season with two well-known tournaments. The Mickey Linehan Memorial Basketball Tournament will be held on December 4-6. Honoring a Chieftain who lost his battle with leukemia when he was a seventh grader here, the Mickey Linehan is the only junior high level basketball tournament in our league.

The 55th annual Lucille and Luis Scattini Basketball Tournament will be held on December 12-14. This high school varsity tournament honors Luis and Lucille Scattini — local farmers who dedicated their lives to many organizations including Palma School. This is a well-attended tournament. If you are interested in advertising during the event, please contact me at 422-8510 or

Home Campus
If you plan on participating on a High School spring sports team — (girls’ softball, swimming, track & field or boy’ baseball, golf, lacrosse, tennis, swimming, track & field, volleyball) or Junior High golf, tennis, track & field, wrestling — and haven’t already done so, you need to get your athletic clearance before the season begins. Visit Click “For Students & Parents” and select “California.” Returning users log into the existing account used the previous school year. New users need to create an account. Please register with a valid Parent/Guardian email address as the username and generate a password. Select “Start Clearance Here” and complete all of the required fields. Sign the documents by typing in an EXACT match of what is on the Student & Parent/Guardian page. Make sure to click “Save & Continue” after completing the files page to submit the clearance. Your clearance is ready for review by Palma School once you have reached the “Confirmation Message” page. YOU ARE NOT CLEARED YET. Palma must review and clear you. An email will be sent once you have been cleared.

Get Involved
There are a variety of ways the Palma community can participate at athletic events and we can never have too many volunteers. From helping out at games to providing the many hands needed at fund raising events, Palma parents are the ones who make athletics happen for our students. Be reminded that all parents are encouraged to attend our monthly Athletic Council meetings held in the Cislini Study Center. To volunteer for Boys Basketball CLICK HERE

Crab Feed Flyer 2


24 Short Irina



Irina Short
Guidance Department Chair

Palma’s College Fair
Palma had another successful College Fair on October 30th. Fifty-four Colleges/Universities were represented in Brother Dunne Hall. Thank you to the Parents’ Club for decorating the foyer and assembling the goodie bags for the admission counselors, and for all the goodies for the students. Thank you to Mr. Rybkowski for all your help with the placards. Thanks to the maintenance staff and administration for helping to set up and clean up BDH, and Mr. Giammanco for helping me decorate and clean up BDH, and a big thank you to everyone else who helped supervise the students.

PSAT Results
High school students who took the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholar Qualifying Test) last October are able to access their scores on-line in their collegeboard account. While there have been a lot of changes at College Board, the best news is their partnership with Khan Academy ( Students are able to link their PSAT scores directly to free testing materials from Khan. Many of the recent changes to the SAT make it more similar to the ACT, and so even if a student plans on taking the ACT, the test prep materials from Khan should still prove to be very helpful.

Southern California College Trip
There is a mandatory informational zoom meeting on Dec. 4th at 6:00pm via Zoom for all parents and students attending the college trip. I emailed the link on November 22nd and will email it again on December 3rd. We will be discussing the details of the trip, including: itineraries, expectations, selecting roommates, and guidelines for the students. In addition to the above items, there will be an opportunity to ask any other questions you might have regarding the trip. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Short at or by phone at 831-422-6391.

Financial Aid Presentation for Senior Parents on December 10th
Palma and Notre Dame parents are invited to attend the Financial Aid Presentation on Tuesday, December 10th at 5:00pm in Brother Dunne Hall. A financial aid officer from Hartnell college will be here to explain the financial aid application process and answer questions for college-bound seniors and their families. The presentation will provide an overview of the Financial Aid programs available.
Wondering what the FAFSA is? The Free Application for Student Aid is the financial aid form required by all colleges. Come to the meeting to learn how to fill out this form. The presentation will provide an overview of the Financial Aid programs available. It will last approximately one hour. Please create your FSA ID prior to the presentation.

Create your FSA ID – Both the student and their parent need to complete this process to electronically sign the FAFSA. The California Dream Act application includes the prompts for setting up a State Student Aid PIN for electronic signatures. You can go to the FAFSA link now and create your ID's: Seniors were encouraged to create their id’s during class last month. Please check to see if your child has created their ID.

Tips for Student Athletes
When it comes to athletic scholarships and college sports recruiting, it is important for you to become familiar with the rules and regulations surrounding the various college associations, conferences, and divisions. Violation of the rules, even while still in high school, can result in ineligibility in your future athletic career. Your first task should be to determine which associations (NCAA, NAIA, and NJCAA) your prospective colleges and universities belong to, and then carefully review those group’s websites. College-bound student-athletes preparing to enroll in a Division I or Division II school need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to ensure they have met amateurism standards and are academically prepared for college coursework. Before you can make official visits or sign a letter of intent you must be registered.

Many colleges/universities have a January 1st deadline. Please make sure you have requested letters of recommendations for your common app. schools and that you have met with your counselor before you go on Christmas vacation. Once again, your deadline is our deadline. Do not assume your teachers and counselors will be available to write letters of recommendations during their vacation, many will be out of town. So please plan ahead.

Senior Monthly Reminder
• Finalize your college decisions.
• Complete your app essays. Be sure to proofread them for mistakes.
• Request transcripts and letters of recommendation in SCOIR.
• Create your FSA ID for the FAFSA.

Schedule of SAT/ACT Test Dates for 2024

Guidance SAT-ACT Chart Dec

Future Dates
• Hartnell Application Workshop for Seniors on Wednesday, December 4 at 11:25am in the Computer Lab.
• Southern California College Trip Mandatory Parent/Student Meeting on Wednesday, December 4 at 6:00pm (webinar).
• Financial Aid Presentation for Senior Parents on Tuesday, December 10th at 5:00pm in Brother Dunne Hall.
• Southern California College Trip on Monday, March 24 to Friday, March 28, 2025.

Parent Club
Paint Night

Paint Night
Palma parents and friends enjoyed an evening of painting and refreshments at our Fall Paint Night on November 6th. Everyone’s fall pumpkin paintings turned out great!

December Parent Meetup
BINGO at Other Brother Beer in Seaside

Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30pm
877 Broadway Ave., Seaside
RSVP to so we can save you a seat!

Our next Parents’ Club meeting will be held on January 22nd, at 6:00pm in the CSC. There is no meeting in December.

FS Save the Date
Father Daughter Save the Date 1
Mother Son Save the Date 1
SPG Save the Date

Winter Newsletter Ad 2

191 Iverson St., Salinas, CA 93901
831.422.6391  |

Questions, comments or suggestions: please email