Dress Code & Grooming Policy
How students show up is important, as they are representations of Palma School and so much more. Their attention to their attire and grooming influences how they present themselves each day. It informs how they are perceived in personal and professional settings. It plays a vital role in the school’s reputation. To set our students up for success, students must adhere to Palma’s policies. It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure that a student’s dress and appearance meets these standards at all school events.
Daily Dress Code
Palma School administration has final authority on what is deemed appropriate. It reserves the right to take disciplinary action if a student is in violation thereof. Violations of this code may require disciplinary consequences, up to and/or including student suspension. Clothing that does not meet guidelines may be confiscated, which may or may not be returned at the discretion of administration.
Palma School Vendors
Ace High Designs
400 Salinas Street, Salinas, CA 93901 | 831.754.9727 | acehighprints.com
- Visit their store in Salinas or CLICK HERE to order online.
- Ace High sells women’s skorts, off brand Palma clothing, all physical education apparel, outerwear, and spiritwear.
Signa Signs
902 Park Row, Salinas, CA 93901 | 831.512.7506 | signasigns.com
- Visit their store in Salinas or CLICK HERE to order online.
- Signa Signs sells women’s skorts, Under Armour Polos, outerwear, and spiritwear. They will also sell our Letterman’s Jackets.
Online store: This store is currently closed. It will reopen in November just in time for Christmas giving.
- BSN sells Palma outerwear, both generic and Under Armour, and spiritwear.
Dress Code
Upper Body
Colors: Palma Red, White, Dark Ash, Warm Black
- Palma logoed polo shirt and Palma logoed outerwear.
- Approved upper body wear is available from the vendors listed above.
- Plain white polo or plain white Oxford button-down shirts (samples below), Oxfords must be tucked in.
- Compression shirts and tank tops are not permitted.
- Any other non-logoed color shirts.
Lower Body
Colors: Khaki, Black, Grey
- All Students: Traditional cut “Khaki-style” pants/shorts with belt loops, worn at the natural waistline (apparel may be purchased from any outside vendor so long as it meets color requirements).
- Women: If you choose, you may also wear pleated skorts, purchased ONLY at Ace High Designs and Signa Signs.
- Shorts and Skorts must be finger-tip length.
- Pants no higher than the ankle.
- No sagging.
- No ripped/torn lower body wear.
- No cargo pants/shorts.
- No drawstrings or cuffed ankles, no jogger pants or their look-alikes.
- No yoga pants, tights, stockings or their look-alikes.
- Any closed-toed, closed-back, sneaker/casual/dress shoes.
- Shoes with laces should be tied during any physical activity.
- Socks are required.
- No open-toed/open-back shoes.
- No slippers or slipper look-alikes.
- No flip-flops, sandals, Uggs, Crocs, boots or heels.
Hair/Facial Hair
- Hair must be neat, clean, presentable, and a natural hair color.
- Hair must not impede a student’s vision and must be kept out of the student’s face.
- Men: Hair off the shirt collar, above the ears, and above the eyebrows.
- Students must be clean-shaven. No sideburns below the earlobe.
- No beards/goatees.
- No shaved lines and designs (including eyebrows).
- No excessive hairstyles (i.e., mohawks, skin cuts, man buns).
Hair deemed by the administration to be distracting to Palma’s environment will not be permitted. Students who fail to follow the above criteria will be required to comply. Exceptions may be made for cultural traditions, and at the discretion of Palma administration.
Accessories, Makeup, Piercings, Tattoos, Nails
- Women: nails must be clean and kept to a natural short or medium length
- Women: hoop earrings are limited to one (1) inch in diameter.
- Women: ear piercings must be tasteful and kept to a respectable minimum.
- Hoods are not to be worn indoors.
- Headphones and/or earbuds may only be worn in class and only with the teacher’s explicit permission. Failure to remove them will result in disciplinary action.
- Hats, beanies, caps, bandanas, visors, and/or excessive hair adornments are prohibited on campus during school hours, 7:30am to 3:30pm.
- Sunglasses are not to be worn indoors.
- Nose rings are not permitted.
- Tongues may not be pierced.
- Any accessories deemed by administration to be a distraction or considered to be dangerous are not permitted.
- Women & Men: tattoos are not to be visible at any school-sponsored event.
- Men are not permitted to have piercings.
Any excessive makeup and/or accessories deemed by administration to be distracting to Palma’s environment must be removed. Items not permitted above may be confiscated, which may or may not be returned at the discretion of the administration.
Backpacks & Bags
Backpacks, bags, and other personal items must be neat, clean, and presentable. Student and/or school names may be neatly printed on them. Inappropriate graphics/pictures, drawings/images, graffiti-styled print, and/or patches are NOT allowed.This Dress Code is determined by Palma Administration after consultation with students, parents, faculty, and staff. It is the responsibility of the student to follow the Dress Code and the responsibility of parents to be aware of how their child leaves home for school-sponsored events. The final judge of respectability and compliance is the Dean of Students. If you find this Dress Code in conflict with your family/religious beliefs, please contact the Dean of Students right away to appeal for authorization of possible exceptions.